Monday, October 12, 2009

What causes tinnitus?

Tinnitus can arise in any of the four sections of the ear: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, and the brain. Some tinnitus or head noise is normal. Anything, such as wax or a foreign body in the external ear, that blocks these background sounds will cause us to be more aware of our own head sounds which sounds the same as tinnitus. Fluid, infection, or disease of the middle ear bones or ear drum can also cause tinnitus.One of the most common causes of tinnitus is damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Loud noise exposure is a very common cause of tinnitus today, and it often damages hearing as well. Some medications (aspirin, for example) and other diseases of the inner ear can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus can in rare situations be a symptom of such serious problems as an aneurysm or a brain tumor.鈾?
Tinnitus is caused by a hearing loss. There are tiny hair cells in the inner ear that gets damaged. You should have a hearing test to check this out for a hearing loss. If you are around alot of loud noise or music for long periods of time, you could have this damage. Get it checked out.
Oops I was thinking tendonitis.had a smartass
DO NOT listen to ipod or loud music in ear phones/walkman this is one of the major causes
There are numerous factors believed to cause tinnitus. They can arise from injuries to the actual hearing apparatus itself but also can arise from no clear insult or what is often referred to as physiologic tinnitus. Most commonly the "ringing" or "buzzing" that is heard is due to either an infection or trauma of some type to the cochlea or to the tympanic membrane.
No one knows for sure what causes (intrinsic) tinnitus. It is often related to hearing loss, though not invariably. It is thought to originate from a similar mechanism to phantom limbs. To oversimplify, the brain "abhors a vacuum". Thus, when there is a decrease in sounds coming from the outside world because of hearing loss, the brain "fills" what's lost with intrinsic "phantom" sounds.

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