Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What deadly diseases have symptoms that only manifest after a (long) period of time?

i'm writing a story for my english class and i want my character to have a disease that fits the above description. a genetic disease would be great, but i'm not picky. :)
Well, if you are looking for a genetic disease, Huntington's disease is the one that manisfests later in life (when a person is in his/her 30s, 40s or later). But, however, it is an autosomal dominant disroder, so your story character has to have family history of this disease (or be adopted).
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
well i would go for aids or rabies as they are the only viruses with 100% moratitalty rate and both take there time in manafesting them selves. with rabies it can be years after you get bitten before you show symptoms and once you do you have about a week.
Multiple sclerosis. Alzheimers. Lead poisoning. Hope that gives you some additional ideas. Plumbism may be cool for a story because a lot of the time the sufferers are driven insane. Poisoning is slow. Drinking out of pewter cups was a common cause in earlier years.
Let's not forget the most common diseases that will kill most of us - the chronic, degenerative diseases; cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases). These diseases can take 20 years or more to become 'symptomatic'. The atheroma (cholesterol fatty streak inside the arteries) begins forming in childhood (by age 3). Most people do not have signs or symptoms of atherosclerosis until middle to late age - a 40 to 60 year lag time.
MS, Brittons' disease(immune system disorder), there are a ton of others, just too many to type in!

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