Saturday, October 24, 2009

What do you do if you have a choking chicken? IM SERIOUS NO JOKE!?

like if it has sand loged in its throat what do you do? no bad answers l am a farmer l own 39 chickens 3 horses and four ducks
put that chicken out of its misery and have dinner
Dont grip it so tight
Modified Heimlich manover, perhaps?
Bad case. If its still alve, rush it to a vet or else eat it.
Scold the chiken harshly and Give the chicken one doller and ask him to go for a doctor. Oh! remember to advise it not to eat sweatmeats on the way. Unless, he will waste your doller. If the sickness doesn't go after that treatment and it still seems to be choking, make him eat chalks s much as possible. It will like it. Be sure you give it a cup of milk daily. Don't give it any grains. You must give it a smile everymorning instead of grains and ask it how do you feel today? When you can find some chicken meat ask it, "Do you like chicken meat?" Seriousely, I recoomend you above remedies. (please take this as a joke. Hope you would like it. Truely, I don't know anything about chikens and I am really sorry I couldn't help you. I know you must be very upset because of this. I just saw your question so I had a temptation to answer. Forgive me if I have hurt you by my innocent joke)
there is nothing you can do other then put it out of its misery.
Some kind of farmer you are. Why ask the people on here?
get off the computer and give it some water..if that deosnt do the trick, blow air down its throat..or feed it wet food.

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