Sunday, May 23, 2010

what does synopsicalmean in medical terms?

medically what does synopsical mean
Synopsical would mean medically what it would mean otherwise i.e. in synopsis,.. in doesn't have any seperate medical meaning or context.I think synosical per se is not grammatically correct, anyway the point is just the same
Summative or the summary of the medical evaluation undertaken.
um. church?
its not synopsical its synoptical and it means presenting or taking the same point of view; used especially of the first three gospels of the New Testament; "the synoptic Gospels"
Generally, it means Taking the same point of view. that is if one doctor surmises that the problem is X and another doctor comes up with the same conclusion, then they hae a synoptical viewBy the say.. the word, I think you wanted was SYNOPTICAL

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