Sunday, May 23, 2010

What does it mean when a doctor writes in their notes that someone is a "difficult historian"?

My 2yr old daughter has failure to thrive, fed through a tube, wont eat and she sees several specialists. I feel they are pointing the finger at me, with no real answers.
When trying to figure out what is going on in a medical case, the doctor may sometimes have trouble documenting the whole story. So, he or she will instead have to document that they are having trouble getting the whole story. So, they will sometimes write that the patient is a "poor historian" meaning they don't keep track of what is going on with their health, or a "difficult historian" meaning that getting the full story is difficult. You will help your daughter if you patiently give the whole story, even when you are asked again and again. Good luck.
It means the patients can't get their story straight, tells it different ways several times, can't remember things, isn't certain of what happened, can't answer questions right, etc.

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