Saturday, November 7, 2009

what do you mean by asceptical process?

An optical computer is a computer that uses bound electrons in isolating crystals instead of free electrons in transistors for computation. Its digital signals are modulated onto a carrier wave in the visible region. No modulator or demodulator exists, because the base band offers only 10 GHz bandwidth whereas the visible band offers 10 THz. It is similar to performing digital computation by a radio.One fundamental limit is the size. Optical fibres on an integrated optic chip are ten times wider than the traces on an integrated electronics circuit chip. The crystals have the same cross-section as the fibres, but need a length of about 1 mm and so are much larger than a transistor. Therefore signal traveling times will be large.A more practical limit is the crystal. Current crystals need light with 1 GW/cm虏 intensity. And as a typical die (in microelectronics) is about 1 cm虏, and some absorption takes place, this means kilowatts of power consumption, which only allows pulsed operation, but nanotubes may reduce this in the future.The biggest advantage in the near future is the synergy with optical telecommunication.
The process of preventing infection, free of
A process in which living pathogenic organisms are absent, it is a sterile process.
Did you mean aseptic?It means the removal of microbes and contaminating matter, so that the thing involved is sterile and thus, eliminating the possibilities of infection.
Asceptical means you are gullible, and do not question anything.Aseptic technique is used in laboratories to ensure that sterile samples remain sterile or that no outside contaminants enter a system or microbiological culture.
Inflammation can be septic and aseptic.
Septic processes (inflammations) are those caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Examples of such inflammation are: tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or meningitis caused by meningococcus.
Aseptic process is inflammation with all it's signs: 1. calor (raised temperature), 2. dolor (pain), 3. rubor (redness), 4. tumor (swelling), and 5. functio laesa (impaired function). The cause of this inflammation isn't microorganism, but substance that is foreign to the body (or that part of body). For instance, if gall comes in touch with peritoneum (when gallbladder ruptures) it can cause peritonitis (inflammation in abdomen) even though there are no pathogen microorganisms in gall. If there is extensive necrosis in some part of the body, it can also cause inflammation. For example, when bone is crushed but skin isn't penetrated - no microorganisms have entered - osteomielitis can appeare. That is inflammation with its 5 signs.
One note, in every inflammation (septic or aseptic) it is not necessary for all 5 signs to appear, and all combinations are possible.
I assume you mean asceptic technique. Once an area of a patient has been sterlized, you would use mask, gloves, gown, and not touch anything on or about the patient/area being operated upon.

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